A Leader Was Born by Anne Marie Wells

The harbor could no longer harbor the wait, as grain by grain
dwindled through the hourglass. Only one believed, knew, she, too,
could live crystalline, and she liquefied, a lonesome self-foundry,
forging grit in the face of expected floundering. Survival uncertain,
she spun her molecules evolving from a sandy, Stockholm lemming
into a single, wayward shard. Minuscule but sharp against her
ancestors’ prison, she etched her treatise, concise and explicit. A
fissure sprouted from the N, grist bled through and out the clear O,
spilling a waterfall of atoms to make acquaintance with marble,
while still other specks marveled from the window left in the W. Her
will for more created this chaos, allowed her nation to heat the cold,
hard floor of freedom.



About the author: Anne Marie Wells (She | They) of Hoback Junction, Wyoming is a queer poet, playwright, and storyteller navigating the world with a chronic illness. She can be found on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and her website.