Winter Gear Community Rack
Each winter, TEA partners with groups like the Rogers Park Stitchers and the Pottawattomie Park PAC to host an ongoing community rack with free winter gear for folks out in the cold.
We are not currently accepting donations, but we will be again this fall. If you have handmade or new hats, gloves, scarves, or mittens to give, hang onto them. We’d love to send them back out into our neighborhood with people who could use them this winter.
Check back here in November for instructions about how to donate.
Our first customer!
2021 Update
Wow, oh wow! Last year’s winter gear giveaway at Pottawattomie Park was our biggest one yet. We live in such a generous community, and we thank everyone who donated handmade and new hats, scarves, gloves, and mittens from the bottoms of our hearts.
Because of your overwhelming support, we’re ready to expand to a second location. If you work or volunteer somewhere that would like to host a small table or rack for us, we do everything else. Ideally, we’re looking for a place that is ADA accessible, open to the public, free to enter, and secular. Think places like park fieldhouses, libraries, community centers, and so on. Email if you think your spot would be a good fit!