Three Illustrations by Tracy Arthur

Speak Up

From Tracy: Witnessing the unrest in my country, I have created a series of three powerful protest art pieces that display the essence of the #OccupyJulorbiHouse protest and the struggle for a voice in Ghana, following the declining costs of living and the apathy of the government towards the people's struggles.


Sika No Ashe

As an artist, I felt compelled to create these artworks to call out the media's selective reporting and to give a voice to the unheard—through “Aftermath of Our Rise,” as well as present the resistance and solidarity of Ghanaian youth to let themselves be seen in “Speak Up.” “Sika No Ashe” sheds light on the fleeting value of the money in the average Ghanaian's pocket, and how cash seems to fly right out of us with every purchase.


Aftermath of Our Rise

They are a visual representation of the frustration and determination of the people to be heard and acknowledged.



About the artist: Tracy Arthur, popularly known in the creative world as Slimm, is a 21-year-old self-taught digital artist based in Accra, Ghana. She is currently pursuing a business degree at the University of Ghana, using time off from studies to hone her art skills. Deeply rooted in her cultural heritage, Slimm has a profound love for her roots and seeks to make a positive impact in her community through the art she creates. She explores her creative side through art, skillfully combining Ghanaian culture with contemporary elements in her works. Her artistic journey has centered around the exploration and reinterpretation of tradition to resonate with modern audiences. Slimm's diverse portfolio showcases captivating book cover illustrations of published novels and character art, demonstrating her talent and distinct artistic style.

Check out Tracy’s portfolio, and connect with her on Instagram and Twitter/X.