Taking Dictation by Samantha Carr

You  can  use  this  software   when   you
feel tired. When you’re holding yourself
up by your elbows.  When  the thoughts
come  and   go  like   the   sea    receding
before   a   tsunami.   When   you   really
should  be  laying  down.  There  will  be
errors.  Yours  and ours.  And  it is  your
responsibility   to    correct   them.    For
example:       When        you           dictate
gesticulating  we  might  hear  testicular
eating. It is unclear what is the meaning
of this? At  other times, you may want to
talk about inspiration ****.  How disabled
people   don’t   always    overcome   their
difficulties.   Don’t   always   get   medals.
Just  sometimes  get  through  the  night.
But  the  software  will ensure  that  your
darkest     thoughts    are    filtered.    You
cannot   say ****.     You   cannot   say ****.
You    cannot    say ****.    Don’t     say ****
when   the   pain  gets   too  bad.  We  will
censor you.



About the author: Samantha is a PhD Creative Writing Candidate at University of Plymouth. Her work explores chronic illness through autoethnographic poetry. Her work has been published in Arc, Acumen, The Storms Journal and Cephalopress.

Find her on Twitter/X.